Experts Say Millions of Dollars in Gold is Hiding in Our Feces

I guess the only problem is finding a store that will accept your shit as currency.

According to Yahoo! News, a recent study conducted by the US Geological Survey revealed that our poop contains hundreds of millions of dollars worth of precious metals, including gold and silver.

Another group of experts specializing in the study of human waste went as far as saying that the feces from one million Americans could contain as much as $13 million worth of goodies.

More than seven million tons of biosolids are produced at U.S. wastewater facilities every year, and experts think if they can find a way to remove the precious metals from them, it could potentially save the planet in both an environmental and economical sense.

“If you can get rid of some of the nuisance metals that currently limit how much of these biosolids we use on fields and forests, and at the same time recover valuable metals and other elements, that’s a win-win,” U.S. Geological Survey team member Kathleen Smith said.

In the meantime, it’s probably still a good idea to tell your kids not to dig through their poop.

These foods should help you produce even more gold: Foods That Make You Poop