Here’s an Iowa Politician Reading ‘Sex After Sixty’ During a Debate

Here’s a guy who really cares about the well-being of Iowa’s teachers.

According to UPI, an Iowa state legislator was recently photographed reading a book titled “Sex After Sixty” while on the House floor for a debate regarding collective bargaining rights for the state’s educators.

The best part of the story is that “Sex After Sixty” is a gag book, and all of its pages are blank.

State representative Robert Bacon handed the book to fellow Representative Ross Paustian after it had been passed around the House floor, and then somebody snapped the fateful picture that blew up online.

Paustian said that he received some “pretty vicious” emails in regards to the photo, but he said that he was “totally engaged in what was going on on the floor.”

“If any of my constituents were offended, I apologize. I certainly wasn’t trying to offend anybody,” Paustian said. “I’m doing my job here for my constituents.”

In a related story, “Sex After Sixty” sounds like it should win Pulitzer Prize.

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