Porn Star Sadie Santana Promises Oral Sex for Lakers Players if They Win 47 Games This Year

If you haven’t heard, porn star Sadie Santana tweeted her own personal incentive for the Los Angeles Lakers if they can win 47 games this season. We’ll let her tweet speak for itself:

She did, however, add a caveat for the married players on the team: “I’m 100% serious! The entire roster!!! Of course I understand if the REALLY married ones want to opt out!”

As sports fans know, that’s unlikely to happen, at least the way the Lakers have been playing so far. Though, as reported on Deadspin, after Sadie sent nude photos of herself to the players, including Steve Nash, he was all too happy to share it with his followers. He subsequently deleted the tweet, though, and said it wasn’t him who enthusiastically retweeted it.

You can always peruse Sadie’s Twitter feed yourself, but be warned: It’s NSFW. Very, very NSFW. As for her offer, well, the Lakers got their first win last night. One down and 46 to go, boys!