Guy Uses Pay Phone In Precinct Lobby To Call In Bomb Threat To Police

Photo: halecr (Getty)

I don’t know what is more baffling: that this dude actually committed a crime inside of a police station or that it’s 2017 and he doesn’t own a cellphone.

A 22-year-old man named Michael Prince Myers from Muskogee, Oklahoma was arrested after he used a pay phone at the Muskogee Police Department’s lobby to call a police dispatcher. And once Myers got through he told the dispatcher that he had placed a bomb in the police station. And wouldn’t you know it Myers got caught fairly quickly.

Guy Uses Pay Phone In Precinct Lobby To Call In Bomb Threat To Police

Myers also told the dispatcher that he was a terrorist and wanted to turn himself in. Well, alright then, at least he made it easy on everyone.

After receiving the call from Myers, investigators quickly realized that the call was coming from the department’s lobby and arrested Myers right then and there.

And here’s a fun fact: records show that Myers was also convicted on two felony burglary charges back in 2013. So at least the dude is still keeping busy.

h/t The Smoking Gun

Not exactly a bomb, but..: A Massively Amusing Collection of Atomic Wedgy Bombs for Your Heart’s Delight


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